Friday, November 27, 2009

messed up

I never gave much thought to the holidays in terms of what they mean when you have lost loved ones, especially when the loss is so proximate. I don't think I'll ever be able to have a Thanksgiving without remembering what a lousy holiday we just had. It's the first Holiday, and I certainly hope the last, where I spent the day at the bedside of a dying loved one. It's fortunate enough that my kids don't quite "get it" yet, and for that I am thankful. It's hard enough to answer the questions I am getting...

why is papa still sleeping?
when is he going to wake up?
why is grandma still at the hospital?
why is papa's door closed?

The older two know about the cancer and they know that eventually he will die from it. But they don't understand why the papa they saw who was just"fine" on Sunday morning will not be coming home.

Wednesday afternoon when the severe bleeding was confirmed, the doctor told us it could be a few hours or it could be a few days until he passed. They said he wasn't in pain, although i guess we really will never know. He seems comfortable. 48 hours later, and several "we think it's imminent" moments, he's still fighting. You can hear his breathing getting weaker and you can see that he is slowing down, but he's still hanging on. I wish this could be over, and I would never say that if I thought there was any prayer of him coming back. But there's not, and he wouldn't want this dragged out, any more than we do. It's been the roughest week of my life and the worst 48 hours I have ever known. The roller coaster ride is nearly over, although the sadness of the loss-to-be is just beginning to settle in.

1 comment:

  1. There are no words. I'm so sorry. My heart aches for all of you. You're in my prayers.
