Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day, 2009

My dad was scheduled for his ERCP surgery this morning. He arrived at FAHC about 830 a.m. He was really jaundiced, but looked better than I expected based on the fact that he has been in the hospital on morphine for the last 4 days. He's lost so much weight over the past few months, but he still looks reasonably healthy considering. We all thought the weight loss was attributed to the Type II diabetes he had.

I brought him the paper. We chatted and he was seemingly his ususal goofy self, minus the IV and the fact that I knew my dad was sick.

The ERCP went as well as can be expected. They inserted a metal stint in the bile duct to keep it open and flowing the way it is supposed to. The tumor at the top of the pancreas is about 3.5 cm in size and there are lesions on the liver, so they don't think surgery is an option (or wouldn't help). They are going to schedule chemo and a nerve block procedure for the pain. That's all we know right now.

Thank you for all your continued thoughts and prayers. I'll updated again when I have more information.

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