Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Health Care Sucks

So I experienced first-hand as the outsider just how bad our health care system can be. I've had experience with the local hospital, and it has always been pretty good, minus a few annoyances that caused delays, but due to emergent situations arising before my scheduled procedures, which were not as emergent (and as a patient, I would rather they deal with emergent situations as they arise). I have also always had good, locally-based insurance that is "in bed," so to speak, with the hospital.

My dad on the other hand, has minimal coverage, at best. And it certainly seems to make a difference; maybe they were just having a bad 48 hours.

The surgical staff for the ERCP was amazing. His nurses were great. But some of the other services that go along with a stay in the hospital were less than adequate, as far as I am concerned.

The run-around BS that you get is ridiculous. 

Yeah, we're going to do your procedure as soon as you get to Burlington. Nothing to eat or drink (NPO) from 10 a.m. on.

Um, really? At 730 pm? Doubtful, but what do we know.

Oh, yeah. Procedure not happening tonight. It's scheduled for the morning. So you can eat. 

Dining service? Not so much. That would be waitress Jana going to the cafe at 830 at night to pick up a meal because no one was around to bring it up to the patient care area.

Oh, the surgery is scheduled for 1 pm you say? Awesome. NPO again from midnight on.

OMG, they actually brought him to endoscopy at 1 pm, in surgery by 140. Miracle. And it went smoothly (the only part that really did). You can eat as soon as you are back to your room.

Oh, we didn't order you a dinner. You can call and have something brought up. 530 call. 650 no food. 651 call. 730 food. For real??? No food since midnight and you can't figure out how to get a meal up there. Pathetic. Really pathetic.

Pain meds? Oh, apparently he has surgery, in addition to the fact that he has friggin stage IV cancer and is in pain all the time, and he has to hunt down a nurse to get something. Fortunately, once he got the nurse, it wasn't long before she administered the happy meds so he could have some relief.

But seriously? How delinquent can one set of people be over the course of 48 hours. No, certainly he wasn't going to die in there, but he certainly wasn't treated as he should have been.

Okay, rant over. I need some sleep before I have to deal with "them" again tomorrow.

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